Friday, November 5, 2010

Awesome Dad's Club

Thanks Dads for doing such a great job on the Harvest Festival.

Dad's Club meets monthly at Skyline Pizza. Look for the date and time in the monthly newsletter.

Way To Go Ms. Zoe's Second Graders

Congratulations to the second grade class of Program Inspire.
You have maintained perfect attendance for the month of October.
Remember, our extended day program equals 90 additional instructional days!
Great Job Ms. Zoe!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Raiders Are Showing Some Love to Thurgood Marshall Elementary Students

In honor of the work that was done during Jack Tatum Day, the NFL has chosen our school to be the recipients of a $10,000.00 Health and Wellness Grant.

In addition to this generous donation, two outstanding and dynamic Raider players will host a school wide assembly and exercise session for our students who have made gains in reading.

I am proud to say that I am from a city that takes care of its youth.

Way to go Raiders, loving that silver and black energy!

Please note, activities will be open to students, faculty and staff only.

Health and Wellness Services Needed

It has become increasingly evident that we need health services available for our children.
Unfortunately, the school does not have the funds to sustain such a project. I am asking that our families and supporters begin to advocate on our behalf. Please speak with the medical professionals that you know and ask them if they would be willing to donate 1 day every two months to support the health of our students. They can call me at 510-639-3275 to learn more about this need.

Blessings, Mrs. Woods-Cadiz